Source code for aisynphys.database.database

Low-level relational database / sqlalchemy interaction.

The actual schemas for database tables are implemented in other files in this subpackage.
from __future__ import division, print_function

import os, sys, io, json, threading, gc, re, weakref
from collections import OrderedDict, namedtuple
import numpy as np
    import queue
except ImportError:
    import Queue as queue
from inspect import isclass

import sqlalchemy
from distutils.version import LooseVersion
if LooseVersion(sqlalchemy.__version__) < '1.2':
    raise Exception('requires at least sqlalchemy 1.2')

import sqlalchemy.inspection, sqlalchemy.pool
from sqlalchemy import create_engine, Column, Integer, BigInteger, String, Boolean, Float, Date, DateTime, LargeBinary, ForeignKey
from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import declarative_base
from sqlalchemy.orm import relationship, deferred, sessionmaker, reconstructor
from sqlalchemy.types import TypeDecorator
from sqlalchemy.sql.expression import func

from .. import config
from neuroanalysis.util.optional_import import optional_import
pandas = optional_import('pandas')

class NDArray(TypeDecorator):
    """For marshalling arrays in/out of binary DB fields.
    impl = LargeBinary
    hashable = False
    cache_ok = False
    def process_bind_param(self, value, dialect):
        if value is None:
            return b'' 
        buf = io.BytesIO(), value, allow_pickle=False)
        return buf.getvalue()
    def process_result_value(self, value, dialect):
        if value is None or value == b'':
            return None
        buf = io.BytesIO(value)
        return np.load(buf, allow_pickle=False)

    def python_type(self):
        return np.ndarray

class CustomEncoder(json.JSONEncoder):
    """ For encoding nonserializable floats into json
    def default(self, obj):
        if isinstance(obj, np.floating):
            return float(obj)
        return json.JSONEncoder.default(self, obj)

class JSONObject(TypeDecorator):
    """For marshalling objects in/out of json-encoded text.
    impl = String
    hashable = False
    def process_bind_param(self, value, dialect):
        return json.dumps(value, cls=CustomEncoder)
    def process_result_value(self, value, dialect):
        if value is None:
            return None
        return json.loads(value)

    def python_type(self):

class FloatType(TypeDecorator):
    """For marshalling float types (including numpy).
    impl = Float
    cache_ok = False
    def process_bind_param(self, value, dialect):
        if value is None:
            return None
        return float(value)

    def python_type(self):
        return float

    #def process_result_value(self, value, dialect):
        #buf = io.BytesIO(value)
        #return np.load(buf, allow_pickle=False)

column_data_types = {
    'int': Integer,
    'bigint': BigInteger,
    'float': FloatType,
    'bool': Boolean,
    'str': String,
    'date': Date,
    'datetime': DateTime,
    'array': NDArray,
#    'object': JSONB,  # provides support for postges jsonb, but conflicts with sqlite
    'object': JSONObject,

def make_table_docstring(table):
    """Introspect ORM table class to generate a nice docstring.
    docstr = ['Sqlalchemy model for "%s" database table.\n' % table.__name__]
    comment = table.__table_args__.get('comment', None)
    if comment is not None:
        docstr.append(comment.strip() + '\n')
    insp = sqlalchemy.inspection.inspect(table)
    for name, prop in insp.relationships.items():
        docstr.append("%s : relationship" % name)
        if hasattr(prop, 'entity'):
            # entity attribute only available in recent sqlalchemy (>=1.3 ?)
            docstr.append("    Reference to %s.%s" % (prop.entity.primary_key[0], prop.entity.primary_key[0].name))
    for name, col in insp.columns.items():
        typ_str = str(col.type)
        docstr.append("%s : %s" % (name, typ_str))
        if col.comment is not None:
            docstr.append("    " + col.comment)
    return '\n'.join(docstr)

def make_table(ormbase, name, columns, base=None, **table_args):
    """Generate an ORM mapping class from a simplified schema format.

    Columns named 'id' (int) and 'meta' (object) are added automatically.

    ormbase : ORMBase instance
        The sqlalchemy ORM base on which to create this table.
    name : str
        Name of the table, used to set __tablename__ in the new class
    base : class or None
        Base class on which to build the new table class
    table_args : keyword arguments
        Extra keyword arguments are used to set __table_args__ in the new class
    columns : list of tuple
        List of column specifications. Each column is given as a tuple:
        ``(col_name, data_type, comment, {options})``. Where *col_name* and *comment* 
        are strings, *data_type* is a key in the column_data_types global, and
        *options* is a dict providing extra initialization arguments to the sqlalchemy
        Column (for example: 'index', 'unique'). Optionally, *data_type* may be a ''
        string indicating that this column is a foreign key referencing another table.
    class_name = ''.join([part.title() for part in name.split('_')])

    props = {
        '__tablename__': name,
        '__table_args__': table_args,
        'id': Column(Integer, primary_key=True),

    for column in columns:
        colname, coltype = column[:2]
        # avoid weird sqlalchemy issues with case handling
        assert colname == colname.lower(), "Column names must be all lowercase (got %s.%s)" % (name, colname)
        kwds = {} if len(column) < 4 else column[3]
        kwds['comment'] = None if len(column) < 3 else column[2]
        defer_col = kwds.pop('deferred', False)
        ondelete = kwds.pop('ondelete', None)

        if coltype not in column_data_types:
            if not coltype.endswith('.id'):
                raise ValueError("Unrecognized column type %s" % coltype)
            # force indexing on all foreign keys; otherwise deletes can become vrey slow
            kwds['index'] = True
            props[colname] = Column(Integer, ForeignKey(coltype, ondelete=ondelete), **kwds)
            ctyp = column_data_types[coltype]
            props[colname] = Column(ctyp, **kwds)

        if defer_col:
            props[colname] = deferred(props[colname])

    props['meta'] = Column(column_data_types['object'])

    if base is None:
        new_table = type(class_name, (ormbase,), props)
        # need to jump through a hoop to allow __init__ on table classes;
        # see:
        if hasattr(base, '_init_on_load'):
            def _init_on_load(self, *args, **kwds):
            props['_init_on_load'] = _init_on_load
        new_table = type(class_name, (base, ormbase), props)

    return new_table

[docs]class Database(object): """Methods for doing relational database maintenance via sqlalchemy. Supported backends: postgres, sqlite. Features: * Automatically build/dispose ro and rw engines (especially after fork) * Generate ro/rw sessions on demand * Methods for creating / dropping databases * Clone databases across backends """ _all_dbs = weakref.WeakSet() default_app_name = (' '.join(sys.argv))[-63:] def __init__(self, ro_host, rw_host, db_name, ormbase): self.ormbase = ormbase self._mappings = {} # default options for creating DB engines self._engine_opts = { 'postgresql': { 'ro': {'echo': False, 'poolclass': sqlalchemy.pool.NullPool, 'isolation_level': 'AUTOCOMMIT'}, # {'pool_size': 0, 'max_overflow': 40, } 'rw': {'poolclass': sqlalchemy.pool.NullPool}, #{'pool_size': 0, 'max_overflow': 40}, 'maint': {'poolclass': sqlalchemy.pool.NullPool}, } } self.ro_host = ro_host self.rw_host = rw_host self.db_name = db_name self._ro_engine = None self._rw_engine = None self._maint_engine = None self._engine_pid = None # pid of process that created these engines. self._ro_sessionmaker = None self._rw_sessionmaker = None self.ro_address = self.db_address(ro_host, db_name) self.rw_address = None if rw_host is None else self.db_address(rw_host, db_name) self._all_dbs.add(self) self._default_session = None @property def default_session(self): self._check_engines() if self._default_session is None: self._default_session = self.session(readonly=True) return self._default_session def query(self, *args, **kwds): return self.default_session.query(*args, **kwds) def _find_mappings(self): mappings = {cls.__tablename__:cls for cls in self.ormbase.__subclasses__()} order = [ for t in self.ormbase.metadata.sorted_tables] self._mappings = OrderedDict([(t, mappings[t]) for t in order if t in mappings]) def __getattr__(self, attr): try: # pretty sure I'll regret this later: I want to be able to ask for db.TableName # and return the ORM object for a table. # convert CamelCase to snake_case (credit: table = re.sub(r'((?<=[a-z0-9])[A-Z]|(?!^)[A-Z](?=[a-z]))', r'_\1', attr).lower() if table not in self._mappings: self._find_mappings() return self._mappings[table] except Exception: return object.__getattribute__(self, attr) def __repr__(self): return "<%s %s (%s)>" % (type(self).__name__, self.ro_address, 'ro' if self.rw_address is None else 'rw') def __str__(self): # str(engine) does a nice job of masking passwords s = str(self.ro_engine)[7:] s = s.rstrip(')') s = s.partition('?')[0] return s @property def backend(self): """Return the backend used by this database (sqlite, postgres, etc.) """ # maybe instead? return self.ro_host.partition(':')[0]
[docs] @classmethod def db_address(cls, host, db_name=None, app_name=None): """Return a complete address for DB access given a host (like postgres://user:pw@host) and database name. Appends an app name to postgres addresses. """ if host.startswith('postgres'): app_name = app_name or cls.default_app_name return "{host}/{db_name}?application_name={app_name}".format(host=host, db_name=db_name, app_name=app_name) else: # for sqlite, db_name is the file path if not host.endswith('/'): host = host + '/' return host + db_name
[docs] def get_database(self, db_name): """Return a new Database object with the same hosts and orm base, but different db name """ return Database(self.ro_host, self.rw_host, db_name, self.ormbase)
[docs] def dispose_engines(self): """Dispose any existing DB engines. This is necessary when forking to avoid accessing the same DB connection simultaneously from two processes. """ if self._ro_engine is not None: self._ro_engine.dispose() if self._rw_engine is not None: self._rw_engine.dispose() if self._maint_engine is not None: self._maint_engine.dispose() self._ro_engine = None self._ro_sessionmaker = None self._rw_engine = None self._rw_sessionmaker = None self._maint_engine = None self._engine_pid = None self._default_session = None # collect now or else we might try to collect engine-related garbage in forked processes, # which can lead to "OperationalError: server closed the connection unexpectedly" # Note: if this turns out to be flaky as well, we can just disable connection pooling. gc.collect()
[docs] @classmethod def dispose_all_engines(cls): """Dispose engines on all Database instances. """ for db in cls._all_dbs: db.dispose_engines()
def _check_engines(self): """Dispose engines if they were built for a different PID """ if os.getpid() != self._engine_pid: # In forked processes, we need to re-initialize the engine before # creating a new session, otherwise child processes will # inherit and muck with the same connections. See: # if self._engine_pid is not None: print("Making new session for subprocess %d != %d" % (os.getpid(), self._engine_pid)) self.dispose_engines() @property def ro_engine(self): """The read-only database engine. """ self._check_engines() if self._ro_engine is None: opts = self._engine_opts.get(self.backend, {}).get('ro', {}) self._ro_engine = create_engine(self.ro_address, **opts) self._engine_pid = os.getpid() return self._ro_engine @property def rw_engine(self): """The read-write database engine. """ self._check_engines() if self._rw_engine is None: if self.rw_address is None: return None opts = self._engine_opts.get(self.backend, {}).get('rw', {}) self._rw_engine = create_engine(self.rw_address, **opts) self._engine_pid = os.getpid() return self._rw_engine @property def maint_engine(self): """The maintenance engine. For postgres DBs, this connects to the "postgres" database. """ self._check_engines() if self._maint_engine is None: opts = self._engine_opts.get(self.backend, {}).get('maint', None) if opts is None: # maybe just return rw engine for postgres? raise Exception("no maintenance connection configured for DB %s" % self) maint_addr = self.db_address(self.rw_host, 'postgres') self._maint_engine = create_engine(maint_addr, **opts) self._engine_pid = os.getpid() return self._maint_engine # external users should create sessions from here.
[docs] def session(self, readonly=True): """Create and return a new database Session instance. If readonly is True, then the session is created using read-only credentials and has autocommit enabled. This prevents idle-in-transaction timeouts that occur when GUI analysis tools would otherwise leave transactions open after each request. """ if readonly: if self._ro_sessionmaker is None: self._ro_sessionmaker = sessionmaker(bind=self.ro_engine, query_cls=DBQuery) return self._ro_sessionmaker() else: if self.rw_engine is None: raise RuntimeError("Cannot start read-write DB session; no write access engine is defined (see config.synphys_db_host_rw)") if self._rw_sessionmaker is None: self._rw_sessionmaker = sessionmaker(bind=self.rw_engine, query_cls=DBQuery) return self._rw_sessionmaker()
[docs] def reset_db(self): """Drop the existing database and initialize a new one. """ self.dispose_engines() self.drop_database() self.create_database() self.create_tables() self.grant_readonly_permission()
def list_databases(self): engine = self.maint_engine with engine.begin() as conn: conn.connection.set_isolation_level(0) return [rec[0] for rec in conn.execute('SELECT datname FROM pg_catalog.pg_database;')] @property def exists(self): """Bool indicating whether this DB exists yet. """ if self.backend == 'sqlite': return os.path.isfile(self.db_name) else: return self.db_name in self.list_databases() def drop_database(self): if self.backend == 'sqlite': if os.path.isfile(self.db_name): os.remove(self.db_name) elif self.backend == 'postgresql': self.dispose_all_engines() engine = self.maint_engine with engine.begin() as conn: conn.connection.set_isolation_level(0) try: conn.execute('drop database %s' % self.db_name) except sqlalchemy.exc.ProgrammingError as err: if 'does not exist' not in err.args[0]: raise else: raise TypeError("Unsupported database backend %s" % self.backend) def create_database(self): if self.backend == 'sqlite': return elif self.backend == 'postgresql': # connect to postgres db just so we can create the new DB engine = self.maint_engine with engine.begin() as conn: conn.connection.set_isolation_level(0) conn.execute('create database %s' % self.db_name) # conn.execute('ALTER DEFAULT PRIVILEGES IN SCHEMA public GRANT SELECT ON TABLES TO %s;' % ro_user) else: raise TypeError("Unsupported database backend %s" % self.backend) def grant_readonly_permission(self): if self.backend == 'sqlite': return elif self.backend == 'postgresql': ro_user = config.synphys_db_readonly_user # grant readonly permissions with self.rw_engine.begin() as conn: conn.connection.set_isolation_level(0) for cmd in [ ('GRANT CONNECT ON DATABASE %s TO %s' % (self.db_name, ro_user)), ('GRANT USAGE ON SCHEMA public TO %s' % ro_user), ('GRANT SELECT ON ALL TABLES IN SCHEMA public to %s' % ro_user)]: conn.execute(cmd) else: raise TypeError("Unsupported database backend %s" % self.backend)
[docs] def orm_tables(self): """Return a dependency-sorted of ORM mapping objects (tables) that are described by the ORM base for this database. """ # need to re-run every time because we can't tell when a new mapping has been added. self._find_mappings() return self._mappings
[docs] def metadata_tables(self): """Return an ordered dictionary (dependency-sorted) of {name:Table} pairs, one for each table in the sqlalchemy metadata for this database. """ return OrderedDict([(, t) for t in self.ormbase.metadata.sorted_tables])
[docs] def table_names(self): """Return a list of the names of tables in this database. May contain names that are not present in metadata_tables or orm_tables. """ return self.ro_engine.table_names()
[docs] def create_tables(self, tables=None, initialize=True): """Create tables in the database from the ORM base specification. A list of the names of *tables* may be optionally specified to create a subset of known tables. """ # Create all tables meta_tables = self.metadata_tables() if tables is not None: tables = [meta_tables[t] for t in tables] self.ormbase.metadata.create_all(bind=self.rw_engine, tables=tables) self.grant_readonly_permission() if initialize: self.initialize_database()
[docs] def initialize_database(self): """Optionally called after create_tables. Initialize is _not_ called when cloning databases. Default does nothing; subclasses may override. """ pass
[docs] def drop_tables(self, tables=None): """Drop a list of tables (or all ORM-defined tables, if no list is given) from this database. """ drops = [] meta_tables = self.metadata_tables() db_tables = self.table_names() for k in meta_tables: if tables is not None and k not in tables: continue if k in db_tables: drops.append(k) if len(drops) == 0: return if self.backend == 'sqlite': for table in drops: self.rw_engine.execute('drop table %s' % table) else: self.rw_engine.execute('drop table %s cascade' % (','.join(drops)))
# Seems to be not working correctly # def enable_triggers(self, enable): # """Enable or disable triggers for all tables in this group. # # This can be used to temporarily disable constraint checking on tables that are under development, # allowing the rest of the pipeline to continue operating (for example, if removing an object from # the pipeline would violate a foreign key constraint, disabling triggers will allow this constraint # to go unchecked). # """ # s = Session(readonly=False) # enable = 'enable' if enable else 'disable' # for table in self.tables.keys(): # s.execute("alter table %s %s trigger all;" % (table, enable)) # s.commit()
[docs] def vacuum(self, tables=None): """Cleans up database and analyzes table statistics in order to improve query planning. Should be run after any significant changes to the database. """ with self.rw_engine.begin() as conn: if self.backend == 'postgresql': conn.connection.set_isolation_level(0) if tables is None: conn.execute('vacuum analyze') else: for table in tables: conn.execute('vacuum analyze %s' % table) else: conn.execute('vacuum')
[docs] def bake_sqlite(self, sqlite_file, **kwds): """Dump a copy of this database to an sqlite file. """ sqlite_db = Database(ro_host="sqlite:///", rw_host="sqlite:///", db_name=sqlite_file, ormbase=self.ormbase) sqlite_db.create_tables() last_size = 0 for table in self.iter_copy_tables(self, sqlite_db, **kwds): size = os.stat(sqlite_file).st_size diff = size - last_size last_size = size print(" sqlite file size: %0.4fGB (+%0.4fGB for %s)" % (size*1e-9, diff*1e-9, table))
[docs] def clone_database(self, dest_db_name=None, dest_db=None, overwrite=False, **kwds): """Copy this database to a new one. """ if dest_db_name is not None: assert isinstance(dest_db_name, str), "Destination DB name bust be a string" assert dest_db is None, "Only specify one of dest_db_name or dest_db, not both" dest_db = Database(self.ro_host, self.rw_host, dest_db_name, self.ormbase) if dest_db.exists: if overwrite: dest_db.drop_database() else: raise Exception("Destination database %s already exists." % dest_db) dest_db.create_database() dest_db.create_tables(initialize=False) for table in self.iter_copy_tables(self, dest_db, **kwds): pass
[docs] @staticmethod def iter_copy_tables(source_db, dest_db, tables=None, skip_tables=(), skip_columns={}, skip_errors=False, vacuum=True): """Iterator that copies all tables from one database to another. Yields each table name as it is completed. This function does not create tables in dest_db; use db.create_tables if needed. """ read_session = source_db.session(readonly=True) write_session = dest_db.session(readonly=False) try: if dest_db.backend == 'postgres': # disables some consistency checks to allow easier replication write_session.execute("SET session_replication_role = 'replica';") for table_name, table in source_db.metadata_tables().items(): if (table_name in skip_tables) or (tables is not None and table_name not in tables): print("Skipping %s.." % table_name) continue print("Cloning %s.." % table_name) # read from table in background thread, write to table in main thread. skip_cols = skip_columns.get(table_name, []) reader = TableReadThread(source_db, table, skip_columns=skip_cols) i = 0 for i,rec in enumerate(reader): try: # Note: it is allowed to write `rec` directly back to the db, but # in some cases (json columns) we run into a sqlalchemy bug. Converting # to dict first is a workaround. rec = {k:getattr(rec, k) for k in rec.keys()} write_session.execute(table.insert(rec)) except Exception: if skip_errors: print("Skip record %d:" % i) sys.excepthook(*sys.exc_info()) else: raise if i%1000 == 0: print("%d/%d %0.2f%%\r" % (i, reader.max_id, (100.0*(i+1.0)/reader.max_id)), end="") sys.stdout.flush() print(" committing %d rows.. " % i) write_session.commit() read_session.rollback() yield table_name if vacuum: print("Optimizing database..") dest_db.vacuum() print("All finished!") finally: if dest_db.backend == 'postgres': write_session.execute("SET session_replication_role = 'origin';")
class DBQuery(sqlalchemy.orm.Query): def add_table_columns(self, table, load_deferred=False): """Return a new query with all columns in *table* added. Parameters ---------- table : sqlalchemy ORM table The table from which columns will be added. load_deferred : bool | list If True, load all columns that are marked as deferred (by default, these are ignored). Optionally, may specify a list of deferred column names to load. """ assert isinstance(load_deferred, (list, bool)), "load_deferred must be bool or list" meta = sqlalchemy.inspect(table) cols = [] for col in meta.columns.keys(): load = ( (not meta.column_attrs[col].deferred) or (load_deferred is True) or (isinstance(load_deferred, list) and col in load_deferred) ) if load: cols.append(col) return self.add_columns(*cols) def dataframe(self, expand_tables=True, rename_columns=True): """Return a pandas dataframe constructed from the results of this query. Columns are renamed from the original query (see DBQuery.recarray) Parameters ---------- expand_tables : bool | list If True, expand all table entities included in the query into individual columns. Optionally, a list of table names to expand may be provided instead. rename_columns : bool If True, columns are renamed (see DBQuery.recarray). """ # don't like this; we want a bit more control over how columns are unpacked / renamed if not rename_columns: if expand_tables is False: raise NotImplementedError("The combination expand_tables=False, rename_columns=False is not implemented") return pandas.read_sql(self.statement, self.session.bind) recs, col_names, col_types, rec_fields = self._prepare_array(expand_tables=expand_tables) # coerce types type_map = {float: 'float', int: pandas.Int64Dtype()} col_types = [type_map.get(t, 'object') for t in col_types] data = {} for i, dest_col_name in enumerate(col_names): source_col_name = rec_fields[i] if isinstance(source_col_name, str): col_data = [getattr(rec, source_col_name) for rec in recs] elif isinstance(source_col_name, tuple): col_data = [getattr(getattr(rec, source_col_name[0]), source_col_name[1], None) for rec in recs] data[dest_col_name] = pandas.Series(col_data, dtype=col_types[i]) return pandas.concat(data, axis=1) def recarray(self, expand_tables=True): """Return a numpy record array constructed from the results of this query. Columns are renamed from the original query based on the following rules: - If a column label is explicitly provided, that label is used without modification - Result columns that contain a single DB column are renamed to `table.column` - Result columns that are derived from more complex expressions use a string representation of the expression - Duplicate column names have `_N` appended Parameters ---------- expand_tables : bool | list If True, expand all table entities included in the query into individual columns. Optionally, a list of table names to expand may be provided instead. """ recs, col_names, col_types, rec_fields = self._prepare_array(expand_tables=expand_tables) # need to represent everything as either float or obj in order to support null values col_types = ['float' if t is float else 'object' for t in col_types] dtype = list(zip(col_names, col_types)) # convert records to numpy array if expand_tables is False: arr = np.array(recs, dtype=dtype) else: arr = np.empty(len(recs), dtype=dtype) for i, dest_col_name in enumerate(col_names): source_col_name = rec_fields[i] if isinstance(source_col_name, str): arr[dest_col_name] = [getattr(rec, source_col_name) for rec in recs] elif isinstance(source_col_name, tuple): arr[dest_col_name] = [getattr(getattr(rec, source_col_name[0]), source_col_name[1], None) for rec in recs] return arr def _prepare_array(self, expand_tables): recs = self.all() row_types = (tuple,) try: row_types = row_types + (sqlalchemy.engine.row.Row,) except AttributeError: pass if len(recs) > 0 and not isinstance(recs[0], row_types): # sqlalchemy returns lists of keyed tuples in most cases, but lists of ORM instances if only one # column was requested. This is a pain to handle later on, so we're normalizing the output here. rectyp = namedtuple('record', [self.column_descriptions[0]['name']]) recs = [rectyp(x) for x in recs] # decide on column names and dtypes to use col_names = [] col_types = [] rec_fields = [] for col in self.column_descriptions: try: from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative.api import DeclarativeMeta except ImportError: from sqlalchemy.orm.decl_api import DeclarativeMeta if isinstance(col['type'], DeclarativeMeta): # this column holds an entire table; use table name unless aliased table_name = col['entity'] aliased_table_name = col['name'] if col['aliased'] else table_name expand = ( expand_tables is True or ( isinstance(expand_tables, list) and ( (table_name in expand_tables) or (col['entity'] in expand_tables) ) ) ) if expand: # Which columns to expand? expanded_cols = self._get_expanded_cols(col, recs) for attribute_name in expanded_cols: col_names.append(aliased_table_name + '.' + attribute_name) rec_fields.append((col['name'], attribute_name)) col_types.append(self._get_column_type(getattr(col['entity'], attribute_name))) else: col_names.append(aliased_table_name) col_types.append('object') rec_fields.append(col['name']) else: rec_fields.append(col['name']) expr = col['expr'] if isinstance(expr, sqlalchemy.sql.elements.Label): # query specifies a label here; use that name unconditionally col_names.append( else: # assign column names as table.column if isinstance(expr, sqlalchemy.orm.attributes.InstrumentedAttribute): table_name = sqlalchemy.inspect(col['entity']).name if col['aliased'] else col['entity'] col_names.append(table_name + '.' + col['name']) elif isinstance(expr, sqlalchemy.sql.annotation.AnnotatedColumn): col_names.append( + '.' + elif isinstance(expr, sqlalchemy.sql.elements.BinaryExpression): col_names.append(str(col['expr']) if col['name'] is None else col['name']) else: raise TypeError(f"recarray() does not support column of type {repr(expr)} (name: {col['name']})") col_types.append(self._get_column_type(expr)) # modify any repeated names seen_names = set() for i,name in enumerate(col_names): j = 0 while True: new_name = name if j == 0 else f"{name}_{j}" j += 1 if new_name not in seen_names: seen_names.add(new_name) col_names[i] = new_name break return recs, col_names, col_types, rec_fields def _get_expanded_cols(self, column_desc, records): """Return the list of columns to use when expanding one entity column. Ideally we'd ask sqlalchemy somehow, but for now we just find the first non-null entry and ask which attributes were loaded. If no entries are found, then we can only guess and the safest option is to include all columns. """ col_name = column_desc['name'] first_item = None for rec in records: first_item = getattr(rec, col_name) if first_item is not None: break insp = sqlalchemy.inspect(column_desc['entity']) if getattr(insp, 'is_aliased_class', False): insp = insp.mapper all_columns = list(insp.columns.keys()) if first_item is None: # no items returned in this query; just guess all columns return all_columns else: unloaded = sqlalchemy.orm.attributes.instance_state(first_item).unloaded return [c for c in all_columns if c not in unloaded] def _get_column_type(self, column_expr): if isinstance(column_expr, sqlalchemy.sql.elements.Label): column_expr = column_expr._element return column_expr.type.python_type class TableReadThread(threading.Thread): """Iterator that yields records (all columns) from a table. Records are queried chunkwise and queued in a background thread to enable more efficient streaming. """ def __init__(self, db, table, chunksize=1000, skip_columns=()): threading.Thread.__init__(self) self.daemon = True self.db = db self.table = table self.chunksize = chunksize self.skip_columns = skip_columns self.queue = queue.Queue(maxsize=5) self.max_id = db.session().query(func.max(table.columns['id'])).all()[0][0] or 0 self.start() def run(self): try: session = self.db.session() table = self.table chunksize = self.chunksize all_columns = [col for col in table.columns if not in self.skip_columns] for i in range(0, self.max_id, chunksize): query = session.query(*all_columns).filter((table.columns['id'] >= i) & (table.columns['id'] < i+chunksize)) records = query.all() self.queue.put(records) self.queue.put(None) session.rollback() session.close() except Exception as exc: sys.excepthook(*sys.exc_info()) self.queue.put(exc) raise def __iter__(self): while True: recs = self.queue.get() if recs is None: break if isinstance(recs, Exception): raise recs for rec in recs: yield rec